Applications of Piezoelectric Transducers - | FBelec
Applications of Piezoelectric Transducers
  • A piezoelectric transducer is a device that can convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, and can also convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. Through this conversion method, piezoelectric transducers have a wide range of applications in many fields.

    The functions and applications of piezoelectric transducers

    1. Sound wave sensing

    Piezoelectric transducers are devices that convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, making them widely used in acoustic sensing. In acoustic sensors, piezoelectric transducers are used to convert sound wave fluctuations into electrical signals, which can be processed and analyzed by digital circuits.

  • Piezoelectric Transducers

  • 2. Medical equipment

    Piezoelectric materials can generate electrical signals when subjected to pressure or torque. Therefore, in medical equipment, piezoelectric transducers are widely used in thermometers, blood pressure monitors, and ultrasound imaging devices to identify various body states by measuring the force or vibration of the body.

    3. Measuring instruments

    The application of piezoelectric transducers is not limited to medical equipment, it is also widely used in various measuring instruments. For example, pressure gauges, pressure sensors, accelerometers, vibration sensors, and so on, these measuring instruments can measure various physical quantities and obtain useful data.

  • > Ultrasonic cleaning
    > Energy harvesting
    > Accelerometers
    > Ultrasound generation

    > Sonar and hydrophone equipment
    > Liquid level measurement and adjustment
    > Gas and fluid flow measurement and adjustment
    > Automotive lane assist, automatic breaking, parking aids

    > Sound amplification
    > Touch input response
    > Automatic doors

  • Technial Data of piezo transducer

    Technical indicators

    Piezoelectric strain constant d33 ≥ 650 pC/N;
    Elastic compliance coefficient S11E value ≤ 1.7 × 10-11 m2/N;
    Dielectric loss tan δ ≤ 2%;
    Curie temperature TC>280 ℃.

    Technical characteristics

    1. Mastered the influence of various element doping on the formula, and can select materials and formulas according to performance requirements;

    2. Adopting a unique abrasive process to refine the powder;

    3. Based on the characteristics of the raw materials and the principles of chemical reactions, a step-by-step synthesis technique is adopted to obtain stable ceramic powders;

    4. Obtain high-density ceramics based on the characteristics of sintering mass transfer process;

    5. Adopting high-temperature polarization technology to fully utilize the piezoelectric properties of the material.

    At present, the piezoelectric ceramic products developed by domestic manufacturers can basically meet the functional and performance requirements of devices, but there are many fluctuations in production quality. In the face of new requirements for piezoelectric ceramics in laser gyroscopes, these products exhibit issues such as small displacement and low load capacity, which cannot meet the higher requirements of device development. For example, the piezoelectric strain constant d33 is less than 650 pC/N, and the Curie temperature is less than 250 ℃. Our unit continuously improves the level of piezoelectric ceramic materials through material research and technological breakthroughs, and the performance of piezoelectric ceramics can meet the new requirements of the development of laser gyroscope devices.


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