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Electricians Tools

FBelec electricians tools

FBelec tool manufacturer, a long-standing tool manufacturer with over 20 years of experience, is a brand electrician tool combination set+customized foreign trade export tools, with complete qualifications and its own large warehouse. It can be connected for video viewing, brand tools, and tool box manufacturers come here for the electrician tool combination set. FBelec tools including: Soldering Equipment, Electroprobe & Multimeter Screwdrivers, Scale, Hot air gun, Hot Melt Gun & Glue, Tapes. etc, FBelec company is looking for distributor all over the world!


  • E-mail: sales@fbelec.com
  • Tel: 86-574-87793491
  • Add: 262#416Lane ZhaoHui Road YinZhou NingBo China
  • Phone: 18868647636
  • wechat

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