Arduino Scratch and electronic kits - Scratch Factory From China - | FBelec
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Scratch electrical and electronic kits software versions of scratch are developed with Smalltalk, flash and HTML5 respectively. FBelec supply Electronics Components & Accessories, Passive Electronic Components for Scratch! Provide Comprehensive solution of artificial intelligence education. FBelec, a famous Chinese company, has carefully designed many learning tools for beginners. It can take you into the colorful electronic world and let you experience the infinite fun of electronic technology. If you have any questions, please Contact FBelec Customer Service

Picture Manufacturer No. Description Datasheet Order
Graphical programming Qbot car/Scratch/Arduino robot kit


Graphical programming Qbot car/Scratch/Arduino robot kit

Robot arm xArm 1S intelligent serial bus servo Robot arm/Desktop robot arm supports teach pendant


Robot arm xArm 1S intelligent serial bus servo Robot arm/Desktop robot arm supports teach pendant

Graphical programming robot/Scratch/Arduino/Qbot Pro car


Graphical programming robot/Scratch/Arduino/Qbot Pro car

6 degrees of freedom robotic arm bus robotic arm xArm2.0 educational Scratch robot python programming


6 degrees of freedom robotic arm bus robotic arm xArm2.0 educational Scratch robot python programming

Intelligent visual robot car Ai visual recognition tracking Graphical programming Python


Intelligent visual robot car Ai visual recognition tracking Graphical programming Python


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