Detection switch smd detector switches - Detection switches manufacturer and supplier - | FBelec
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Detector switch

FBelec detection switch - With more than 25 years different series of standard detect switches, FBelec offers the largest range of in SMT, through-hole, panel and snap-in/chassis and screw-mount versions of motion detector light switch. FBelec has a variety of products and solutions such as relays, connectors, switches, sensors, etc., Competitive Price. One-Package Service, From Design to Delivery, High Quality Part, Low Cost, Fast Lead Time. Custom Molding Solutions. One-Stop Service. Contact us for your inquiry

Picture Manufacturer No. Insulation Resistance Rating Description Datasheet Order
With large spot supply, reset the four pin patch detection switch preferentially


100VDC 100mΩ min. 50mA DC12V

With large spot supply, reset the four pin patch detection switch preferentially

Four pin limit water replenishment instrument patch travel switch reset detection switch can be customized


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

Four pin limit water replenishment instrument patch travel switch reset detection switch can be customized

Environmental protection high temperature resistant patch detection switch


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

Environmental protection high temperature resistant patch detection switch

spst no normally open smd 4 pin detector switch FBELEC brand


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

spst no normally open smd 4 pin detector switch FBELEC brand

waterproof miniature mini mouse micro detector switch smd smt pcb mount push button switch normally open


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

waterproof miniature mini mouse micro detector switch smd smt pcb mount push button switch normally open

Rectangular Micro SMT Switch Smt Detector Switch For Electronics Product


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

Rectangular Micro SMT Switch Smt Detector Switch For Electronics Product

4-pin U-pin detection switch high temperature resistant patch travel switch reset switch


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

4-pin U-pin detection switch high temperature resistant patch travel switch reset switch

Detector test switch 4 pin micro switch reset 12v limit switch


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

Detector test switch 4 pin micro switch reset 12v limit switch

High quality Right angle 6pin SMT SMD detector switch side actuated normal open


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

High quality Right angle 6pin SMT SMD detector switch side actuated normal open

mini micro switch limit with 3 terminals long handle push button switch detector switch


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

mini micro switch limit with 3 terminals long handle push button switch detector switch

Detection Switch SMD 4 Pin smt micro detective switch good resilience detector switch


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

Detection Switch SMD 4 Pin smt micro detective switch good resilience detector switch

spdt smt 4 pin side push momentary detector micro switch FBELEC brand


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

spdt smt 4 pin side push momentary detector micro switch FBELEC brand

Wholesale china pcb mounting smt smd detector micro detector switch


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

Wholesale china pcb mounting smt smd detector micro detector switch

SMT push restoration Switch micro motion detector switch sensitive push tact switch


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

SMT push restoration Switch micro motion detector switch sensitive push tact switch

micro detector limit switch bent pins 3 pins reset subminiature side push button switch


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

micro detector limit switch bent pins 3 pins reset subminiature side push button switch

right angle spst normally open smd 4 pin detector switch


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

right angle spst normally open smd 4 pin detector switch

Micro limit switch manufacturing type detector micro switch


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

Micro limit switch manufacturing type detector micro switch

push switch high temperature resistant environmental protection detection switch


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

push switch high temperature resistant environmental protection detection switch

Micro switch series selectable types SMD/SMT detect slide switch apply for car


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

Micro switch series selectable types SMD/SMT detect slide switch apply for car

4 pin pcb mounting micro switch smt 90 Degree Side push smd detect


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

4 pin pcb mounting micro switch smt 90 Degree Side push smd detect

Micro-sized fingertip monkey toy four-foot plug-in detection switch


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

Micro-sized fingertip monkey toy four-foot plug-in detection switch

limit switch game button keyboard flash reset micro detection button switch


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

limit switch game button keyboard flash reset micro detection button switch

12V DC Mini Detecting Switch Push tact switch 4pin micro Reset switch SMD


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

12V DC Mini Detecting Switch Push tact switch 4pin micro Reset switch SMD

new hot style tactile smd detector switch for ETC


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

new hot style tactile smd detector switch for ETC

Detection Switch SMD 4 Pin smt micro detective switch good resilience detector switch


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

Detection Switch SMD 4 Pin smt micro detective switch good resilience detector switch

Press the 3-pin on the side of the detection switch, insert the mini-type side of the tact switch


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

Press the 3-pin on the side of the detection switch, insert the mini-type side of the tact switch

detective tact switch restoration type micro mini SMD SMT switches


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

detective tact switch restoration type micro mini SMD SMT switches

Small triangle gusset miniature detection button turtle-shaped limit switch HD-25 movement reset micro movemen


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

Small triangle gusset miniature detection button turtle-shaped limit switch HD-25 movement reset micro movemen

The 4P foot patch swings right and left to detect switch camera switch


100VDC 100mΩ min. 100mA DC12V

The 4P foot patch swings right and left to detect switch camera switch

With large spot supply, reset the four pin patch detection switch preferentially

Four pin limit water replenishment instrument patch travel switch reset detection switch can be customized

Environmental protection high temperature resistant patch detection switch

spst no normally open smd 4 pin detector switch FBELEC brand

waterproof miniature mini mouse micro detector switch smd smt pcb mount push button switch normally open

Rectangular Micro SMT Switch Smt Detector Switch For Electronics Product

4-pin U-pin detection switch high temperature resistant patch travel switch reset switch

Detector test switch 4 pin micro switch reset 12v limit switch

High quality Right angle 6pin SMT SMD detector switch side actuated normal open

mini micro switch limit with 3 terminals long handle push button switch detector switch

Detection Switch SMD 4 Pin smt micro detective switch good resilience detector switch

spdt smt 4 pin side push momentary detector micro switch FBELEC brand

Wholesale china pcb mounting smt smd detector micro detector switch

SMT push restoration Switch micro motion detector switch sensitive push tact switch

micro detector limit switch bent pins 3 pins reset subminiature side push button switch

right angle spst normally open smd 4 pin detector switch

Micro limit switch manufacturing type detector micro switch

push switch high temperature resistant environmental protection detection switch

Micro switch series selectable types SMD/SMT detect slide switch apply for car

4 pin pcb mounting micro switch smt 90 Degree Side push smd detect

Micro-sized fingertip monkey toy four-foot plug-in detection switch

limit switch game button keyboard flash reset micro detection button switch

12V DC Mini Detecting Switch Push tact switch 4pin micro Reset switch SMD

new hot style tactile smd detector switch for ETC

Detection Switch SMD 4 Pin smt micro detective switch good resilience detector switch

Press the 3-pin on the side of the detection switch, insert the mini-type side of the tact switch

detective tact switch restoration type micro mini SMD SMT switches

Small triangle gusset miniature detection button turtle-shaped limit switch HD-25 movement reset micro movemen

The 4P foot patch swings right and left to detect switch camera switch


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